A child hospitalized for Kawasaki syndrome post- Sars-CoV-2 infection was effectively treated by administering a new drug. The health initiative took place within the walls of the ” Giovanni XXIII” pediatric hospital in Bari :
According to what was reported by the online media, in fact, a child, previously positive for the new coronavirus – but who had not shown symptoms from Covid – was hospitalized for mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome , which has always been common every year with a 14 children affected for every hundred thousand subjects. The child – reported electronic journalistic sources – was found to have cardiac inflammation with coronary dilatation and aseptic meningitis . After diagnosis, the choice to intervene with an innovative drug:
The doctors gave the young patient a few doses of Anakinra (trade name Kineret ). It is a drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other serious inflammatory conditions such as cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes (CAPS). The health conditions of the very young have thus stabilized. The number of cases of MIS-C syndrome – appear to increase in the period of health emergency, with more aggressive clinical forms of the normal Kawasaki syndrome with a multi-organ pathology that is capable of easily affecting the heart . Only in John XXIII were 4 cases registered in 3 weeks, 13 in total, all resolved with the healing of the young patients.