Puglia: aviation disaster in the skies of Trani. An autopsy was performed on the pilot and passenger who died in the crash

Shortly before 9:00 am on Sunday 22 May, in the skies of Trani, a collision took place between two ultralight aircraft which caused one of them to fall to the ground and the emergency landing of the other aircraft involved. The pilot of the airplane that made the emergency landing was able to save himself, reporting some injuries to his body. The pilot and the passenger of the second plane, on the other hand, lost their lives. Police Headquarters of Barletta Andria Trani intervened for the rescue and for the activities of the judicial policeOn the places where the impact on the ground and the emergency landing occurred, the agents of the (Police Station of Trani and Squadra Mobile), as well as other specialized rescue units, intervened for the rescue and for the activities of the judicial police. , all coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Trani.

The planes had departed from the Gargano airfield for a flying tour of Puglia, in which other pilots had taken part on board their ultralights. On the bodies of the victims – a 71-year-old from the province of Mantua and a 69-year-old from the province of Bologna – an autopsy was ordered by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Trani, which has entered a dossier for involuntary aviation disaster and manslaughter. The examination was carried out by the Institute of Forensic Medicine of Bari and the results will be delivered to the investigators in the next few days. At present it has been ascertained that the death occurred due to traumatic injuries. Further histological and toxicological examinations are underway.

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