Emiliano in Rotterdam also meets Ursula von der Leyen during the EPP – VIDEO event

President Michele Emiliano brought the greetings of the Puglia Region to the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen . The meeting took place in Rotterdam during the Congress of the European People’s Party , in which President Emiliano participated as a guest. An invitation that Emiliano welcomed with attention and curiosity and as an opportunity for knowledge and discussion on issues strongly connected to the change in Puglia in recent years also thanks to the policies of the European Union. The president also met with the Secretary of the outgoing European People’s Party Antonio López-Istúriz White, with whom he had the opportunity to dialogue on various topics of regional interest, in particular in the field of alternative energy and expenditure of European funds, sectors in which Puglia is among the top Italian regions for installed power and spending capacity:

“They invited me and therefore kindness is answered with attention – said Emiliano, replying to journalists – In the conception of European citizens, the Popular Party and the European Socialist Party are a point of reference and I always hope for peace of mind. It is clear that we must be careful that these two political forces do not open up, even sometimes out of necessity, to forces that do not have a European culture, so to speak, sufficient. So I hope that the tradition of the founding fathers, which these two parties represent with honor, will always be maintained ”.

“I also came here to look around because it is a world that I have never known – added Emiliano – I have been involved in politics at an old age, starting as the Mayor, then the President of the Region. I had never seen what the atmosphere was like here and I did well to come, because Puglia is an object of curiosity right now. Everyone is wondering how we managed to change the image of the Region in just 20 years. What is certain is that we have worked seriously from generation to generation, creating a ruling class, placing citizens and people at the center of the project. Because political forces are less important to us, more projects and people ”. Still answering questions on the Italian political situation, Emiliano said:

“President Draghi remains a point of reference in this moment that cannot be replaced. It is evident, however, that, since Draghi is not a politician and does not have a party, in order to maintain his willingness to support Italy, the European Union and at this moment also NATO and the Atlantic Alliance, he needs someone present a political project to which the President thinks he can make his contribution. Otherwise I imagine there are many international offices who would like to take it away. So you have to talk to him quickly and tell him quickly, at least that the political parties can do, what political project they have for the next legislature ” . The videos of the political event:

Ursula von der Leyen and Emiliano at the EPP Rotterdam congress – video link:

Emiliano statement at the EPP Rotterdam congress – video link:

Antonio López-Istúriz White and Emiliano at the EPP Rotterdam congress – video link: