Bari Vecchia full of tourists: not only souvenirs but also cherries among the most purchased products. Historical identity embraces that gastronomic identity

A real boom in tourists coming not only from Germany, Spain, England, France and other European countries but even from the United States of America and Asia . A relaunch of the deserved territory which – it should be said – is ripening long hoped-for fruits :

According to what we learn, in fact, among the alleys, streets, arches and squares of the BariVecchia , tourists are not only buying miniatures, pins and hats but also typical and seasonal fruit and vegetables (in addition to the inevitable orecchiette and sgagliozze ), to demonstration of how the appreciation of our land is also extended to the gastronomic identity . An explosion of colors that can only benefit producers’ pockets while on the web the videos that immortalize tourists walking around the historic center of the Apulian capital only increase. Some examples:

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