Puglia: Oscar-winning director arrested for sexual assault. It happened in Ostuni

Canadian Oscar-winning director Paul Haggis was arrested in Ostuni on charges of sexual assault and aggravated personal injury :

According to an initial reconstruction of what happened, the Canadian director, screenwriter and film producer , after arriving in the Province of Brindisi to participate in a Festival, allegedly abused a woman of foreign origins . According to the information released on the web by some newspapers, it all started at the “Papola Casale” airport in Brindisi :

Here the author of the complaint was found in an evident state of confusion. Held at the “Perrino” hospital in Brindisi for health checks, the woman said she was a victim of sexual abuse for a few days and was then abandoned at the airport despite her psychophysical conditions being in a critical state. Reached by the police, Haggis was then placed under arrest. Winner of the Oscar in 2006 for the best screenplay with the film Crash , – with Sandra Bullock and Matt Dillon – the Canadian artist was in Ostuni (Brindisi) to participate in an International Film Festival,and Michael Nozik.

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