Puglia: throws 5 kittens in the trash and 3 die, sentenced to 9 months’ imprisonment in Lecce

He tossed five kittens in the trash like garbage, resulting in the deaths of three of the hapless kittens. For this reason, the Court of Lecce sentenced a man from Castrignano del Capo residing in Patù to nine months’ imprisonment and compensation for damages to the National Animal Protection Body:

According to what has been learned , Enpa had reported the man and had filed a civil party in the proceedings through the lawyer Claudia Ricci and the lawyer of Enpa Legal Network in Lecce, Vincenza Raganato . The report came from a volunteer from an animal welfare association in Salve who had warned the Carabinieri of Salve who, who immediately intervened on the spot, acquired the images from the surveillance cameras of a nearby shop. Framed by the images the man was

identified, reported and indicted. The Court of Lecce has now condemned him for animal abuse (544 ter 1st and 3rd paragraph) because ” cruelly and without necessity he caused injuries to five kittens, brutally detaching them from their newborn mother and subsequently abandoning them inside a dumpster rubbish, resulting in the deaths of three of them from such conduct; with the aggravating circumstance of the death of the animals”.

“This ruling – says Carla Rocchi , National President of Enpa – highlights how important it is to report crimes against animals and do so promptly. Only in this way is it possible to rescue and save animals and at the same time bring to justice the people who are responsible for these obscenities! We thank the Caranibinieri di Salve who intervened immediately and allowed the culprit to be identified and brought to justice”.

“Also in this trial – says Claudia Ricci , Enpa lawyer – a very important fact is confirmed: in the field of crimes against animals, there are more and more guilty sentences issued thanks to the acquisition of surveillance images, both public and private. A fundamental tool that requires timely complaints and investigations to be effective. As Enpa’s legal office we are experiencing an ever greater sensitivity and participation of people in this sense, who report and in many cases document the mistreatment also with the help of video images”.

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