Bari Vecchia: Silvester Stallone’s daughters posing with Nunzia delle orecchiette and colleagues

Spectacular, warm and at times amusing the photo – spread on social networks on the Facebook page dedicated to Mrs. Nunzia “delle orecchiette” – which portrays the well-known face of the city, as well as in the company of the historic “colleagues” of Bari Vecchia, also with two daughters of celebrated American actor Silvester Stallone :

Whether it is a coincidence that the two young daughters of the Hollywood star are the daughters of a man whose grandparents and uncles are originally from Gioia del Colle (Silvester’s father emigrated to the USA where he raised his children) or that, more simply, the popularity di Bari is spreading more and more even in the most exclusive overseas environments, it is not known. The fact is, that the picture is perfect and demonstrates how it is possible to reunite entire families, so far away but, if you want… so close!

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