Too high heat, in Puglia the ecological operators collapse. “They fall like skittles, prevention is needed” – the report from Taranto

A real hecatomb is taking place among the 800 workers of the environmental hygiene service of Taranto and its province:

“They fall like pins – says Mimmo Sardelli , general secretary of the FP CGIL of Taranto – hit by heat cramps, collapses, serious hydro-mineral imbalances and syncope, because they are often forced to work in time slots with high temperatures and without the adequate prevention and prevention countermeasures envisaged by INAIL for work in “severe hot environments” with a strong impact, due to environmental thermal stress, on the health and safety of workers and on their own efficiency. So the union in these days he wrote to all the public and private companies responsible for the service and management of waste collection to try to run for cover”.

“The service is strategic and indispensable and for this reason we would expect a greater responsibility towards those who allow us to live in civilized conditions – says Francesco Achille, provincial coordinator of Environmental Hygiene of FP CGIL Taranto – instead the working conditions of those who are forced to stay in the sun for the entire shift, to drive service vehicles which in 2023 continue to not be air-conditioned or who absurdly, as if we were in any African suburb, continue to have no access, means in the company, to a source of drinking water which should instead be guaranteed to the workers” . In a note sent to all companies in the sector, FP CGIL therefore asks for simple things:

“How can you not realize that those workers are at risk in the face of this climatic wave of intense heat? – says Sardelli – that’s why we asked first of all for the recognition of this emergency by immediately arranging some simple attention actions, the same ones recommended by INAIL for those who work with temperatures above 30°. The FP CGIL requests an organization of work shifts mainly in night or semi-nocturnal hours, also able to guarantee longer breaks in cool and shady places, the provision of refrigerated and It’s crazy to have to claim all of this – conclude Sardelli and Achille – it’s shameful to think that even in publicly-led companies a workerI can’t even drink . We hope that in the name of the health of those workers we can act promptly”.

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