Puglia: child in danger of life, military plane transports him urgently from Bari to Rome – video

His life was at risk and for this reason a 6-year-old boy was urgently transferred to the “Bambino Gesù” hospital in Rome by military plane :

This is what happened in the last few hours where the little one left from the Apulian capital aboard a C130J , which took off from the base of the 46th Air Brigade in Pisa at the request of the Bari prefecture . Once landed at Ciampino airport, the child was transferred by ambulance to the pediatric hospital in Rome. This is the latest in a long series of activities that once again testify to the efficiency and importance of Air Force aircraft, even at the service of the weakest. In fact, these are aircraft equipped for emergency contexts even in not particularly favorable weather conditions. Mission accomplished! Video:

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